Assuris, Autorité des marchés financiers and PACICC

Your guarantee to always be protected

We are financially strong. However, you know what they say: prevention is better than cure. Since we want to offer you peace of mind, let us introduce the external compensation organizations of which we are a member.

It’s not just us who protect you

You trust us to insure what is most valuable to you and to invest for the future. We thank you for that and want to let you know about the organizations supporting us to protect you, if ever necessary.

External compensation organizations

Behind us, for you


Assuris assures your interests and the transfer of your policies or contracts to a solvent company. It covers your individual insurance and group insurance products (health care, life and disability only), as well as savings and investment products. Coverage limits per policy are listed on its website.

Autorité des marchés financiers

The Autorité des marchés financiers covers your deposits in a high-interest savings account up to $100,000 per deposit category. Please consult the Autorité des marchés financiers pamphlet for more details: Your deposits are protected. That’s a guarantee! (

Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation

The PACICC covers your car, home or recreational vehicle claims. If you own a business, it also covers many of your commercial assets, along with your civil liability. Coverage limits and exclusions are listed on their website.