How do you achieve an efficient hybrid work mode routine?

Une femme travaille de sa maison

A cross between teleworking and working onsite, the hybrid work mode has gained in popularity. Many employees split their time between the home and the office.

Here's how to adopt a hybrid work mode routine that’ll help you strike that work-life balance you've always wanted.

What is hybrid work mode and what do employees get out of it?

Working in hybrid mode is when an employer allows employees to split their time between the home and the office. Guidelines for hybrid work arrangements vary among companies. They’ll often set limits on the number of days of work employees can split between the home and the office.

This flexible work arrangement combines the benefits of teleworking and onsite work.

Benefits of teleworking:

  • Better work-life balance
  • Less time spent commuting
  • Fewer expenses in terms of parking, gas, public transportation, going for coffee and eating out.
  • Easier day-to-day management of household tasks
  • Increased productivity

Working onsite also has its perks:

  • Socializing with colleagues, reducing isolation
  • Getting more out of meetings where employees have the opportunity to brainstorm, share information and gel together, etc.
  • Collaborating more effectively with others
  • Fostering stronger ties and team spirit
  • Engaging in more informal exchanges

Importance of a work routine to stay engaged

Having trouble focusing on your work at home? It’s normal. You’re switching from a structured work environment to a more flexible work arrangement.

The key to staying focused while teleworking is adopting an effective work routine. Establish a structured work schedule tailored to your needs. You’ll be better prepared to face the day ahead, be more productive and less inclined to procrastinate.

5 tips for a good hybrid work mode routine

1. Keep your morning routine

Get up at the same time as you do on days that you go into the office. Go through your daily routine, have breakfast and get ready as usual. Step out of the house for a few minutes to take a short walk or just take a breath of fresh air. You’ll be in a better frame of mind to start the day.

2. Work in a dedicated office space

Designate a specific space in your home that’s dedicated solely to your work. It can be a room or part of an open area. Having a separate work space helps you set boundaries between your personal and professional life. A healthy work-life balance will be easier to achieve.

Make sure you have ergonomic work tools. Adjust the height of your desk and find an ergonomic chair that’s right for you.

3. Plan your days

Establish a set and consistent work schedule, making sure to include breaks. Plan a quiet lunch. Use this timeout to go outside and stretch your legs. You’ll have more energy to tackle the second half of your day.

Un homme marche dans le bois avec un chien

4. Stick to your work schedule

Even if you work from home, your professional activities should not interfere with your personal time.

Limit the time you spend on work outside of your regular work hours.

5. Choose your tasks for the day

Some tasks are better suited for teleworking while others are geared more toward the office. When you're at home, schedule activities that require concentration, such as writing, reading and going over files. You should keep tasks requiring you to interact with your colleagues for days you go into the office for meetings and follow-ups.

The best of both worlds

Hybrid work mode gives you the benefits of telecommuting and office life– the best of both worlds. Remember that you’ll achieve work-life balance if you manage your time efficiently.