5 tips for a healthy lawn

Does you lawn look weak? Did it lose its luster? Rest assured, there are things you can do to increase its thickness and improve its colour. With our tips, you’ll be able to channel your inner gardener and restore your lawn to its former glory. As an insurer, we want to help you take care of your home... and that goes for your lawn too!
Common lawn problems
Many things can damage your lawn. However, before you can apply a solution, you have to know what's causing the damage. Below are the most common problems, and what you can do about them.
Sparse growth
This can be caused by, among other things:
- A lack of water or maintenance
- Intense heat
- Heavy traffic
- Very compact soil
The first step is to rake your lawn in the spring to get rid of the dead blades and debris that could choke it. After fertilizing and seeding, water it regularly. Fertilize it at least three times a year. Also, don't mow it too short because this makes it an easy prey for weeds, pests and sunburn.
Unsightly patches of dead grass
Does your lawn have areas of dead grass? Don't panic! Most of the time, this isn’t a serious problem. Simply rake up the area, loosen the soil, reseed, water, fertilize and you're done. New grass will grow in no time.
If it doesn’t, then this could mean the presence of larvae.
Larvae (or grubs) love to dine on fresh lawn roots. They’ll develop into insects, like beetles, only to lay more eggs in the lawn. How to know if these pests are the culprits? Patches of dead grass are a tell-tale sign.
Are raccoons or skunks to blame? Maybe. These creatures love larvae and don't hesitate to dig holes to get to them.
To determine whether or not larvae are the source of the problem, try removing a clump of grass. If you can pull it away without much resistance, then larvae are at work. Dig up the affected area and turn over the soil. Grubs are easy to spot. To eliminate them, simply buy a grub control product at your local hardware store.
Our tips for a healthy lawn
Once you’ve taken care of the problem, it's time to make your lawn thick and green. Here are our 5 tips to have the best lawn on your street!
1. Mow like a pro
Mow your lawn regularly! Cut it a little shorter in spring and autumn, but keep it longer in the summer. This will make it more resistant to heat and sunburn. Never mow a wet lawn, or when the ground is very damp. And don’t forget to sharpen your lawnmower blades.
2. Fertilize and water your lawn
Always use a natural fertilizer. It's better for your lawn and the environment. In spring, spread a fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphate and magnesium. In autumn, spread one rich in potassium to help your lawn survive the winter.
Be sure to water it regularly. Grass requires about an inch of water per week. Consider watering it more heavily, but not as often. That said, always obey your municipal laws. Besides, there's no point in watering a lawn that doesn't need it. It’s also important not to waste water.
3. Choose the right accessories
Buy a heavy-duty hose that can be used year-round. Get a very flexible one because they’re easier to handle. Rolling it around a hose reel will avoid kinks and keep it in better condition longer. A peg sprinkler will allow you water the grass evenly... and cool you and your children off during heatwaves.
4. Pull weeds
They tend to spread really fast. So, it’s best to remove them regularly. Be sure to remove the root. For stubborn weeds, use herbicide. However, we recommend calling a specialist for this kind of treatment.
5. Aerate your lawn
As a result of being walked on, your lawn becomes compacted. This impedes its ability to absorb water and nutrients. There are many ways to aerate your lawn. You can rent a machine or use a manual aerator. You can even wear spiked aerator shoes!
With these simple but effective tips, you’re on your way to a lush, green lawn. And if the weeds and pests ever get the upper hand, call in the experts. Have a great summer!