FAQ - Car Insurance


The majority of our network’s body shops and dealers offer courtesy vehicles while repairs are being made to your vehicle.

If, however, a courtesy vehicle is not made available, a rental vehicle is covered by Q.E.F. No. 20, Loss of Use Extension Endorsement, which can be added to Section B. It covers the reimbursement of rental fees for a replacement vehicle while the damaged vehicle is being repaired. Receipts are required and the claim must be covered under Section B. This coverage is subject to the insurance amount limit mentioned in the Declarations of your insurance contract.

If you don't have this coverage and are not responsible for a collision subject to the Direct Compensation Agreement (see the criteria under the question "Who pays for damage to my vehicle..."), we will pay the necessary fees incurred for a replacement vehicle while your vehicle is not available.

Yes, you can choose which shop repairs your vehicle. The damage to your car will be appraised by an accredited expert. We will assist you in this step. If you need help finding or choosing a garage, we work with a network of approved auto repair and body shops that can assess the damage and carry out the needed repairs.

The vehicle owner. You are the only one who can authorize repairs to your damaged vehicle during the whole claim process. The selected repair shop will have you sign a document authorizing the repairs to your vehicle.

If you assign your claim to the repair shop owner, we will make the payment directly to the repair shop.

Otherwise, the cheque is made out to the designated insured person and the repair shop. The cheque will be sent directly to the address indicated in the Declarations of your insurance contract.

  1. To avoid paying a deductible: Don’t wait for a small chip to become a full crack forcing you to replace your entire windshield. If your windshield can be repaired, there’s no deductible. If it needs to be replaced, then the deductible must be paid.
  2. To avoid a cost increase: In most cases, the repair won't impact your insurance cost or your file.
  3. To take advantage of unlimited repair coverage.

How coverage works

You can lend your vehicle to anyone who has a valid driver's licence. If this person has an accident while driving your car, you will receive compensation based on the coverage provided under your car insurance contract.

Contact your insurer in the following cases to make sure you’re properly covered:

  • If a person age 25 or younger drives your vehicle frequently or occasionally
  • If a person other than a young driver uses your car regularly


You don’t have to pay a deductible for a windshield repair.

If your windshield needs to be replaced, you’ll have to pay the deductible.

Under the Quebec automobile insurance policy, you are usually responsible for paying the deductible set out in the Declarations of your policy.

A claims adjuster collects information during the investigation to determine the responsibility of drivers involved in the accident.

The degree of each driver’s responsibility is determined according to the Drivers' Fault Chart of the Direct Compensation Agreement in cases where both drivers are identified. (PDF - Groupement des assureurs automobiles).

In general, damage to the vehicle will normally be assessed at the garage, though in some cases an adjustor has to travel to do the assessment. In this case, they will go to where the vehicle is located within five business days once the case has been assigned. Note that it may take longer to produce the damage estimate report.

If you’ve caused damage to property or a person in an accident and the Direct Compensation Agreement doesn't apply (for example, you were involved in an accident outside Quebec or you hit immovable property such as a fence, pole, street lamp, etc.), the third party is likely to claim for damages. Civil liability insurance covers you against the financial consequences of this type of accident.

Furthermore, it is preferable to call your insurer as soon as you have an accident, even a minor one.

The Automobile Claims Database catalogues all automobile losses for the last six years, whether or not a claim was filed. It allows your insurer to determine the risk you represent and establish the cost of your insurance accordingly.

If the reimbursement is paid to you, the deductible will first be taken from this payment.

If not, you have to pay the deductible to the repair shop you choose.

Since the adoption of the Direct Compensation Agreement by the Groupement des assureurs automobile in 1978, your auto insurance company must pay for repairs according to the terms of the agreement.

In short, if you have an accident and the following three criteria are met, we will pay for the repairs to your damaged vehicle and we don't have any right to recourse against the insurer of the responsible party.

  • The accident occurs in Quebec.
  • The accident involves at least two vehicles or one vehicle and the load of another vehicle.
  • The vehicle owners are identified.

The same rule applies if you are involved in an accident for which you are responsible. The insurer of the vehicle that you damage has no recourse against us.

If you are not satisfied with the settlement made in accordance with the agreement, the Automobile Insurance Act provides for your right to go to court.

In the event of a hit-and-run, if you don't have collision insurance in your contract, contact the Compensation fund. The fund reimburses property damage caused to a vehicle by a non-identified third party. In this case, you must provide a police report and a deductible applies.

One of the key principles of insurance is fairness. In other words, the cost paid must reflect the risk to be insured. Your credit information is part of the factors your car insurance company takes into account to determine this risk and your cost of insurance.

Changes in the cost of your insurance at renewal are affected by several factors.

In most cases, a windshield repair won’t affect your cost.

Changes in the cost of insurance at renewal are affected by several factors such as where you live, vehicle usage, vehicle type and your driving record. Your record shows your accident history, which includes losses other than collisions.

If your claim is for a windshield repair, in most cases it won't affect your cost.

Legal problems related to a vehicle

Yes. The Consumer Protection Act allows you to cancel a contract without cost or penalty within two days following the date that you and the renter received a copy of the contract. After the two-day period, the contract can only be cancelled with the dealer's agreement.

It's important to have a written contract. Make sure you include the following in the document:

  1. Your name and that of the buyer
  2. The make and model, the year of manufacture, the mileage and the serial number of the vehicle
  3. Information on repairs carried out or known problems
  4. A statement to the effect that the sale is being made with no guarantee against hidden defects or that the vehicle is being bought at the buyer's own risk.

Popular questions

  • Make sure your coverage is tailored to your needs. Ask your damage insurance agent for advice: that's why they are there!
  • Notify your insurance company if you’re not using your car as often. The cost of your car insurance could decrease if you are putting less mileage on your vehicle.
  • Bundle your car and home insurance with the same company. You could get a discount on your home and car insurance.
  • Mention that you are a member of a professional association when you ask for a car insurance quote. You may be eligible for exclusive discounts available to members!
  • Be a safe driver. Your good driving habits can earn you a discount on your car insurance.
  • Drive an electric or hybrid car. Many insurance companies offer an additional discount to drivers with eco-friendly vehicles.

For a collision, fire, theft or vandalism:
Feel free to contact us, even if you’re not sure whether you need to file an insurance claim. We’re here to help you take stock of the situation and support you every step of the claim process.

For a broken windshield or window:
Go straight to an approved glass repair shop. No need to call us; the shop will send us the information we need.

See our procedure to settle your claim as soon as possible.

The cost of your car insurance is calculated every time you request a quote to an insurance company, as well as at each renewal. Each calculation is personalized based on your information on file, such as:

  • Where you live
  • Use of the vehicle
  • Type of vehicle
  • Your credit rating
  • Your recent history of claims or accidents

Other external factors can influence the calculation of car insurance costs. These include parts and labour, or an increase or decrease in the number of auto insurance claims in the province.

To be covered under your car insurance, the item must be linked to use of the insured vehicle. The following are covered under car insurance:

  • items that are fastened (and not simply plugged) to the vehicle at the time of the loss (i.e. a luggage rack)
  • vehicle parts that are removed temporarily or used only seasonally
  • items that are used for the maintenance of the vehicle (i.e. a snow brush)
  • items that can be attached to the lighter only (i.e. a 12-volt compressor)

All Quebec residents who sustain injuries or lose their life in an car accident are insured under the public automobile insurance plan administered by the SAAQ, no matter where the accident occurs and whether or not they are deemed at fault.

Reimbursement of expenses related to clothing and accessories damaged in an accident

Any damage sustained to property the victim is wearing at the time of an accident is covered by the SAAQ. This includes clothing, eyeglasses, contact lenses, prostheses and other devices, as well as motorcycle helmets.

The SAAQ applies limits to the amounts covered. If the amount paid by the SAAQ is insufficient, a benefit may be payable by your insurer. To learn more, contact us at 1 855 747-7711 or visit the SAAQ website.

  1. Notify the police and keep the police report number.
  2. Notify the Société d’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) at 1 888 810-2525.
  3. If the accident occurs outside the province of Quebec, Canada or the United States, call 1 800 463-6898 (toll free).

  1. Give your contact details to the property owner.
  2. Notify the police and keep the police report number.
  3. Wait before entering into an agreement to reimburse the owner of the damaged property.
  4. Call our claims department.

Civil liability coverage

Your car insurance must at a minimum provide for civil liability, which covers you, for damage caused to third parties or if your car is damaged as a result of an accident for which you are not at fault.

The recommended amount of third party liability coverage is $1M. Driving outside Quebec? It is recommended to increase this coverage to $2M.

Property damage coverage

You can add more coverage to your insurance policy for property damage to your vehicle in the following situations:

  • A collision for which you are at fault or when you are the victim of a hit-and-run
  • For fire, theft, vandalism or glass breakage
  • In all these situations (comprehensive coverage)

Other worthwhile options for your car insurance

  • Replacement value coverage
    This insurance coverage is an interesting option if you have a new vehicle. It allows you to obtain a waiver of depreciation.
    In the event of a partial loss, the insurer uses new parts to replace damaged parts that cannot be repaired.
    In the event of a total loss, you get a new car with the same features as those of the insured car.
  • Claim forgiveness coverage
    Avoid premium increases resulting from one or even two car claims!
    Claim forgiveness coverage
  • Purchase price option for used cars
    Be compensated based on the price you paid for your used car in the event of a total loss!
    Purchase price option for used cars
  • $0 deductible option
    With this car insurance coverage, you’ll have no deductible to pay in the event of a claim
  • Complete roadside assistance
    For your car, anywhere in Canada and the United States, regardless of who's driving!
    Complete roadside assistance
  • Travel costs
    Should an accident deprive you of your vehicle for several days, this benefit covers the rental cost of a replacement car, public transportation or taxi expenses. If you are far from home, additional accommodation expenses are also covered. Verify the maximum amount included under your auto insurance contract.
  • Borrowed or short-term rented car
    This car insurance protection covers you against damage you cause to a borrowed or short-term rental car. It avoids you paying additional car insurance costs to the vehicle rental company.

One of the key principles of insurance is fairness. In other words, the cost paid must reflect the risk to be insured. Your credit information is part of the factors your car insurance company takes into account to determine this risk and the cost of your car insurance.

Statistics have proven that a person who makes a car insurance claim is more likely to make another one in the following years. When getting a quote or renewing your policy, insurance companies check things like the number of accidents you have on file at the Automobile Claims Database (FCSA) to determine your risk level. The more accidents you have, the higher the risk of being involved in another accident and the more the cost of your insurance is likely to increase.