
Financial security webinars

Whether you’ve just embarked on your financial journey or are enjoying your retirement, our specialists can offer clear, useful and practical information to help you stay on top of your finances... or breathe new life into them!

Our webinars


An inside look at the RREGOP and PPMP for public service employees

Want to have a solid grasp of what your future retirement will look like? Don’t miss our exclusive webinar where we’ll review your sources of retirement income, pension eligibility and basic pension calculation. You’ll also get practical advice on pension indexing and service buyback. Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your financial ducks in a row.


Financial security planning for retirement for public service employees

You’re a public service employee on a quest for a worry-free retirement? Join our in-depth webinar and hear about budget management, maximizing your savings with RRSPs and TFSAs, and how the RREGOP and PPMP work. We’ll cover everything you need to know for proper planning... you’ll get some peace of mind about your financial future.


RRSP or TFSA: Which is right for you?

How does an RRSP work? Or a TFSA? Find out which one to choose to maximize your savings and lower your taxes. Get practical advice to make enlightened decisions about your financial future.


Financial security planning for retirement for everyone

Dreaming of a relaxing retirement but unsure about where to begin? This webinar was created with you in mind! From building a sound financial strategy to budget management to maximizing your savings plans and investments with RRSPs and/or TFSAs, we’ll walk you through all the ins and outs of government pension plans.


10 strategies for a successful financial life

It’s time to turn your dreams into reality and achieve your financial goals with a solid action plan. This webinar has a strategic approach to reduce your debt, explains how to cover your debts for less and how to truly diversify your portfolio. We’re here to help you plan for your retirement.


Cover your mortgage loan: Avoid the pitfalls!

Looking to strategically cover your loan and wondering if you really need mortgage loan insurance? Join us in this webinar where we’ll talk about potential hidden costs and show you how to maximize your financial plan to help you save and get the best coverage.


10 ways to build your children's or grandchildren’s financial future

You want to give them the world. Let’s start with some financial education basics about registered education savings plans, family allowances, insurance from birth and children’s critical illness insurance. Find out which option works best for future savings: RRSP or TFSA? We’ll also explore how to build a credit score to establish good credit from Day 1.


The ABCs of life and health insurance

Interested in learning more about life and health insurance? Check. Personalized strategies? Check. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Join us to explore the differences between group and individual insurance, term and permanent insurance. We’ll walk you through the stages of the financial planning pyramid and assess your financial situation with the help of a professional.


The legal landscape of wills and protection mandates

Join us for an interactive discussion with experts! Learn about common law spouses and their rights, managing family patrimony, matrimonial regimes, writing wills and determining legal heirs. Find out how to plan for incapacity with protection mandate and power of attorney. Receive solid advice to establish an action plan and execute effective strategies.

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