Illustration software

Premiums at your fingertips

A picture is worth a thousand words. Clear illustrations make it easier to walk your clients through their individual insurance coverage options and premiums.

Need help downloading or installing the software? See the Installation and use section.

Illustration software - Life, critical illness and disability insurance (Pillar Series)

To run the software effectively (and efficiently), you need a computer that meets these minimum requirements:

  • Windows 10
  • 1 GHz processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 GB of free space on hard drive

Download the software (240 KB)

Version 2.1
Last update: November 2024 

Quick premium calculator – Simplifed and guaranteed issue life insurance

Before filling out an online application, you can still use the calculator to quickly get an idea of how much a person will pay for their insurance.

Did you know? A premium calculator quick link is now included in the illustration software! You can still access it here too.

Installation and use Got the software blues?

If you already installed the illustration software but it doesn’t seem to be running properly, make sure that you also installed the complementary software and have all the latest updates.

For help or questions, write to us.

If the illustration software is already installed on your computer, uninstall it before downloading the most recent version.

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Québec QC  G1R 2G5

Ontario and Atlantic Canada

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Western Canada

Toll free: 1 877 707-7372

[email protected]