Becoming a Delegate of Beneva Mutual
Let’s define tomorrow together

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Call for nominations

The 2025 registration period is now closed.

Would you like to get involved by becoming a delegate? The next call for nominations for individual members will run from October 15 until December 31.

What happens at an annual meeting?

Beneva Mutual holds its annual meeting once a year. This is where all our members gather. It’s an opportunity to talk about our Mutual’s business.

  • We talk finances
  • We elect board members
  • We vote on topics of interest

In a nutshell, this is where you can listen, talk and have a say in what’s coming up this year!

Want to know more? All essential documents for our annual meetings are available on our Beneva Mutual page.

Who can participate in annual meetings?

  • All our members can attend and speak at Beneva Mutual meetings.


Remember that only members designated as delegates and directors of our Mutual can vote at meetings. Proxy votes are not allowed.

You could also be a delegate

If you would like to contribute to the democratic life of your Mutual, you could become a delegate. It’s an interesting way to participate in the development of your community.

How do you become a delegate?

According to the Beneva Mutual bylaw, members are divided into three categories for delegate designation.

Category 1: group members (more than 700 members) 

Category 2: group members (fewer than 700 members)

Category 3: individual members 

Good to know

The annual meeting must be representative of the composition of members of the mutual. That means the more members we have, the more delegates we need.

How do I apply?

Do you want to become a delegate? Here’s what you need to know.

  • Application

    Group member: Beneva Mutual asks group policyholders to submit the name of an eligible candidate for a draw, if necessary (Category 2) and to submit the name of one or more delegates (Category 1). All entries and designations must be made by December 31.*

    Individual member: Submit your application by completing this registration form before December 31.

  • Draw (Category 2 and 3 only)

    If we receive more applications than the number of available delegate positions, a draw will be held among applications received to appoint the people who will act as delegates.

  • Notice of convocation

    You will receive your notice 30 days before the meeting.


*To designate a delegate or candidate for such a position, the policyholder must send Beneva Mutual the name and contact details of the member they are designating, in accordance with the established procedure and within the required time.

Good to know

The number of group members (Category 1 and 2) is calculated once a year. As previously mentioned, the number of delegates is based on the number of members.

The number of individual members who can be designated as delegates is equal to the total number of group members established (Category 1 and 2).

For contracts managed by a third-party administrator (TPA) partner of Beneva, it’s the plan sponsor who must add their plan members to the member register by emailing [email protected] to designate one or more candidates as delegates.

Our video of the selection process

Watch our video to fully understand the process.

membres à délégués

SFX: Pleasant music


Through their commitment, delegates to the Annual General Meeting help to bring our mutual's democracy to life.

Some delegates come from groups of group policyholders, while others are individual members with annuity, property and casualty or personal insurance contracts.

But how do members become delegates?

Let's take a look at the process for our mutual.

On the collective members' side, the number of delegates for each group is determined by the number of members.

We make sure we're truly representative.

Licensees receive an invitation to nominate candidates for the positions to be filled.

At the same time, a notice on invites individual members to register as delegates.

Registration closes on December 31.

Are we getting too many applications from individual members or from groups of less than 700 people?

A draw is made.

If the delegates are eligible, all that remains is to call them to the annual meeting.

They will then have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

In this way, they will help define the direction of our mutual.

Let's underline their commitment.

Thank you to everyone.