• Press releases

Action Anxiety Day: Beneva highlights its involvement in preventing anxiety

June 10, 2024

Quebec City, June 10, 2024 – In its recent January 2024 survey, our partner Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC) revealed that anxiety affects 26% of the Canadian population1. Beneva is pleased that its anxiety prevention initiatives, which has been its philanthropic orientation since 2022, is making a positive impact in many organizations throughout the country, notably among our youth.

“At Beneva, we put people first. It is with this deep-felt ambition that we’re actively engaged, one concrete step at a time, to prevent anxiety. With the mobilization of our valued partners, Beneva contributes to the well-being of communities and we’re extremely proud of that,” said Jean-François Chalifoux, President and Chief Executive Officer of Beneva.”

Anxiety Canada

As Mental Health Champion for Action Anxiety Day, Beneva has partnered with the organization to help tear down the barriers surrounding anxiety among millions of Canadians throughout the country. Their awareness campaign which aims to foster dialogue about anxiety caused a 25% increase in interest for the free online tools they provide to manage anxiety.

Fondation du CHU de Québec

Developed in collaboration with the CHU de Québec and partnered with the Université Laval research team in 2022, EQUOO supports young pediatric patients as they near a surgical or medical procedure by immersing them into an imaginary world made possible by augmented reality. The animations provide a significant distraction and help reduce the pain these children feel and the duration of care provided by nursing staff. According to a recent study, this approach reduces anxiety for over one third of young patients.


In response to a need identified by the organization, Beneva’s investment helped lead to the creation of the FitSpirit Wellness Program powered by Beneva, which provides online tools and resources to help manage stress and anxiety. Since 2022, this content was shared with over 20,000 teenagers. The program offers high-quality service on top of their basic mission that encourages teenagers to remain physically active for life.

Youth In Mind Foundation

With Beneva’s financial support, the Mental Health Basics workshops are held in schools throughout Quebec and raise awareness among teens about the various challenges related to mental health that they may encounter during this pivotal period of their lives.

“We often notice that the privileged access of animation teams creates a bridge between the teens and a specific resource. This type of referral and support work on the field is essential to effectively handle any situation”, said Dre Sandra Lafortune, PhD, psychologist at the Centre de services scolaire des Affluents.

About Beneva

Created by the coming together of La Capitale and SSQ Insurance, Beneva is the largest insurance mutual in Canada with more than 3.5 million members and customers. Beneva employs over 5,500 dedicated employees: people looking out for people. Its human approach is rooted in mutualist values that are shared by its employees. With $25.2 billion in assets, Beneva positions itself as a major player in the insurance and financial services industry. Its head office is located in Quebec City.