• Press releases

Beneva Wins Two Awards at the 2024 OCTAS

May 31, 2024

Quebec City, May 31, 2024 – Beneva stood out at the 37th edition of the OCTAS by winning two awards.

The company received the first prize in the Digital Transformation category, in recognition of its successful work to build modern technological ecosystems.

Additionally, they received the second prize in the Human Capital category in recognition of the project carried out jointly by its IT and Organizational Learning departments to enable the IT department to remain on the cutting edge of knowledge.

Digital Transformation category: Successful integration based on team work

SSQ Insurance and La Capitale faced a major challenge when they came together in 2020. They needed to completely rethink their respective technological ecosystems to meet the demands of the modern insurance market.

Close to 1,000 employees and consultants worked on this project that has established Beneva as a robust company with a modern, sophisticated ecosystem that will propel its growth.

“Modernizing our technological systems depended on team work. For three years, we worked very hard in agile mode to integrate and modernize the technological ecosystems in all our fields of operations, while maintaining the quality of our customer service. It was quite the feat, especially given that the majority of our employees were teleworking due to the pandemic. I applaud them!” said the Executive Vice-President of Business Performance and Information Technology, Catherine Desgagnés-Belzil, with pride.

Human Capital category: Learning is essential in a constantly evolving world

The complete transformation of our technological ecosystems generated major change for employees. In order that business needs be aligned with plans for individual development of employees, Beneva understood that it must put learning at the heart of its priorities by creating a simple, effective method to guide leaders in achieving this executive vision.

“It was essential that we become a learning organization to successfully integrate our technological systems. With this innovative project, we will have experienced pilots driving our new technological systems and enabling us to remain competitive in the insurance market. Mastering competencies is an essential piece of employees’ well-being. We must support and guide their development so that they grow and help the company evolve. Bravo to the project team!” said the Executive Vice-President of Business Performance and Information Technology, Catherine Desgagnés-Belzil, with pride.

The OCTAS contest is organized by Réseau Action TI to celebrate the creativity and innovation of initiatives that are driving Quebec forward to new technological summits. The winners were carefully selected by a jury made up entirely of senior representatives from the IT industry.

About Beneva

Created by the coming together of La Capitale and SSQ Insurance, Beneva is the largest insurance mutual in Canada with more than 3.5 million members and customers. Beneva employs over 5,500 dedicated employees: people looking out for people. Its human approach is rooted in the mutualist values supported by its employees. With $25.2 billion in assets, Beneva positions itself as a major player in the insurance and financial services industry. Its head office is located in Quebec City.