Group insurance claims

How to file a claim in a nutshell

We hope you’re doing ok and we’re here to make your life easier with tools to file your claims quickly and easily. Let’s get started.

Psst! Check out our mobile app, an easy way to claim. Download it here.

Mobile Application available on the Apple Store Mobile Application available on the Apple Store

Mobile Application available on the Google Play Store Mobile Application available on the Google Play Store

Online claims

Your Client Centre is your very own online account. It’s a fast and convenient way to get reimbursed for most of your group benefits.

You can access your account online or with the Beneva mobile app.

Insurance card

Whether you’re at the pharmacy or the dentist’s, simply present your insurance card and get your reimbursement applied to the bill right away. Now that’s convenient!

Go to the Client Centre or Beneva app to get your card!

Over here for travel insurance

If you’re out of the country and need to receive emergency care or make a claim: you can always count on our international assistance service, regardless of your time zone.

Are you an employee coming from abroad? Insurance for inpatriates is the product for you. See all details

  • Call our travel insurance assistance service immediately

    Before incurring any costs, contact our travel insurance service to check your coverage. They’ll guide you through the process step by step to ensure all eligible health expenses incurred abroad get reimbursed.

    Canada and United States

    1 855 635-9460

    24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    Elsewhere in the world (collect call)

    +1 418 780-9460

    24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    Reminder: dial the country code, followed by our number

  • Keep your invoices, receipts and any other proof of payment

    • Remember to ask for original and detailed invoices as well as medical reports for all health care received, including diagnostic imaging and treatment.
    • Make sure to also get a receipt for prescription drugs that lists the name, dosage and cost.
    • Ask for proof of payment for all expenses, such as a credit card statement or a cheque receipt (including the currency used to pay).
  • Fill out the claim form

    After contacting the travel insurance assistance service and gathering all required documents, fill out the claim form online as soon as possible to get reimbursed for medical, trip cancellation or interruption expenses.

    Fill out the form

Everything about insurance for inpatriates

If you are an employee coming from abroad and have this specialized product, here’s how to get in touch with us.

Medical assistance

For hospitalization or medical expenses, AXA Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

1 866 783-9473
Canada and United States

514 285-8195 
Elsewhere in the world (collect call)

An operator will ask you to provide the following information:

  • Your name, location and details of your emergency
  • Your employer's name
  • Your policy number

For any questions or to make a claim, fill out our form or leave us a message at 1 855 395-2520.

Fill out form

Disability insurance, we’re always in your corner

We’re with you every step of the way to help you submit your disability insurance application as quickly as possible.

How to submit an application

Claiming online is easier than you think. See for yourself!

Discover Client Centre

  • To start go to the Client Centre. You can access your account online or with the mobile app. Choose the type of claim you want to file and follow the instructions!
  • You’ll need to submit your receipt. Don't worry, nothing complicated. A simple photo proof will do, but be sure to keep your original receipts for at least 12 months (just in case).
  • Submit your claim and voila, you're done! Most health, dental and vision claims are reimbursed within 48 hours.
  • No news? You can track the status of your online claims.
  • Want to know how much you can still claim? Our Client Centre also features this information for some types of care.
  • That's it. You’re good to go. Take care.

More questions about group insurance claims? We’ve got more answers.

It can take as little as 48 hours, but if it takes a little more time don’t worry. You should receive your refund no more than 72 hours following the processing of your claim.

Coordination of benefits applies when someone is covered by more than one insurance plan. For instance, a claim could be covered under a person’s employee benefits plan and a public plan.

In this case, a claim may be submitted to both insurers to maximize coverage. The primary insurer would act as the first payer and the remaining amount may be covered by the second plan. Coordination of benefits helps insurers manage claims properly to avoid reimbursements that exceed the actual amount paid by the insured person.

Visit our Understanding the coordination of benefits page to learn how to determine who the primary insurer is in your situation.

You appreciate receiving your claim statement but appreciate it even more when you understand the details! Our Claiming Help Guide is there to connect all the dots. Find answers at your convenience.

Is my service provider eligible?

Catégorie : Good to know

Before you reach for your wallet, visit the Client Centre to check the list of non-eligible providers.

You’d rather do the paperwork?

Catégorie : Forms and documents

That’s ok, too! Just send us your claims by regular mail. All the forms you need for a smooth claim are right this way.1

Access all forms

Looking for a form for a prior authorization drug?

Certain perscription drugs must be authorized before you can be reimbursed. Use our prescription drug search tool to find the right form to fill out based on your medical condition.

Access tool